Search results for query: plugin deactivating

  1. Valerio

    Chrome extension working randomly

    Hi @Victoria Kudryashova i mean that a lot of times, the AliDropship chrome extension's red banner at the top of aliexpress page is not available on category pages or search results. But if i click on a product and go to it's page, then I can see the banner and import/edit buttons. basically...
  2. Victoria Kudryashova

    Prices changing automatically after deactivating AliDropship Woo plugin

    If you use Rounding option or tails you can't deactivate plugin, because these options will not work.
  3. M

    Prices changing automatically after deactivating AliDropship Woo plugin

    Hello everyone, Some time back, AliDropship Woo plugin was causing issues related to the color swatches, therefore I deactivated the plugin after importing the products. But this is causing another issue. After deactivating the plugin, the product prices change automatically. After deactivating...
  4. M

    Transition to PHP 7.1. and Zend Guard support termination

    I use PHP 7.0 and installed ioncube loader 7.0 successfully but when I try to upload alidropship plugin and activate , it says: Error! ionCube Loader Not found. Learn more. The plugin generated 288 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent”...
  5. N

    Product Image not coming

    next fix I can suggest is try deactivating all plugins other than woocomerce and alidropship ones. see if that solves the issue. If that solves activate plugin one by one to see which one is causing the issue
  6. Victoria Kudryashova

    alidropship for woocommerce errors out on activation

    PM me you cPanel login credentials , domain name and WP login and password I will check.
  7. P

    alidropship for woocommerce errors out on activation

    I keep getting these errors, I have followed the steps to get ioncube installed This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine: Zend Engine v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies with the ionCube PHP Loader (enabled) + Intrusion Protection from
  8. Sznurek11

    AliDropship plugin ver.

    Wow, thank you. I did solve the problem.
  9. johnweyer

    AliDropship plugin ver.

    Sznurek11 - about a year ago I had an issue (I don't remember what it was) and after trial and error found that the Super cashe plugin was the culprit. Deactivating did not work but Deleting it did. I think when deactivated it still leaves hooks. Deleting solved my problem. Not sure if that is...
  10. davesweney

    Using Regular Plugin - Do We Need To DL WooCommerce For This?

    Do we need to download and activate the WooCommerce plugin if we are using the regular AliDropShip plugin? I am switching from a WooCommerce based theme to DaVinci and the regular AliDropShip plugin, and WooCommerce was active when I switched. I started importing products as a test while the...
  11. Peacee

    Product prices not showing

    Hello Vsal, Yes it was resolved by one of the Alidropship guys. The issue was a plugin 'Velocity' I used to optimize my site for speed. Meanwhile i had another site optimizing plugin installed. So perhaps two of them were clashing. So the velocity' plugin was deactivated, and everything worked...
  12. N

    Dashboard/Site Taking FOREVER to load?

    I have Godaddy. You need to contact then Alidropship to see if you have any plugin or code that may slow down your site. You can also check by deactivating plugins one by one. Start with Jetpack if you already installed.
  13. Victoria Kudryashova

    Plugin generated 257 characters of unexpected output during activation

    This is a notification , it will doesn't effect you plugin activation.
  14. Dal

    Plugin generated 257 characters of unexpected output during activation

    Hello, I just purchased this plugin and tried to install it but got the following error when I tried to activate it: The plugin generated 257 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try...
  15. Victoria Kudryashova

    BUG: alidswoo breaks WPML multi-currency feature

    Hello, we need your WP credentials, domain name, and WPML plugin installed on a website to check it out and fix it.
  16. Ibrahim

    BUG: alidswoo breaks WPML multi-currency feature

    After a lot of back and forth with WPML support team, turned out your plugin is breaking WPML multi-currency feature in the product page. To reproduce: 1- import a variable product 2- enable multi-currency in WPML 3- add the currency switcher to your theme 4- visit the product page 5- change...
  17. Victoria Kudryashova

    Bug found with Woo version re: price settings

    Have you enabled Rounding option and Assigning cents in your WordPress admin area?
  18. B

    Bug found with Woo version re: price settings

    Hi Guys (and Gals), I have a problem with the Woo version AliDropship plugin conflicting with price settings for products NOT imported from Aliexpress plugin. I go to set my price for a non-Aliexpress product - say, $14.99 but on the shop front converts it to $16.99 - obviously the wrong...
  19. M

    Error after upgrade to AliDropship 0.9.4

    Hello, I have 2 webstore using AliDropship plugin at my VPS. One using DaVinci and the other one using Rembrant theme. After upgrading to AliDropship 0.9.4 I got this error message: Error! ionCube Loader Not found. Learn more. The plugin generated 260 characters of unexpected output during...
  20. kevgl

    AliDropship Plugin ver.

    A few days ago i did add SEO for all my products. When you i used SEO from Alidropship and Yoast SEO things got messy. Wordpress got confused because of using two SEO plugins/features, it doesn't know which one to use i think? After activating the SEO Alidropship feature and deactivating Yoast...