How do you implant in products page?
Can you explain it further please.
I will try to explain how I did it. Forgive my English, if you do not understand something, I will try to explain it in another way. In order to use this method, I had to use these two plugins. They are of vital importance so that everything works correctly. The first is "Geolocation IP Detection". We will need an account at Maxmind. Create a MaxMind geolocation account
Add a description (like the name of your store)
Select "No" next to "Will this key be used for GeoIP Update?"
Select «Confirm». You will be presented with a new key. Copy this key immediately, as it will only be displayed once.
Once we have the ID and our password, we go to the next step. We are going to install "GEOIP Detect" which can be downloaded from the repository. What the plugin does is create the environment to be able to provide you with the address of the visitors according to their IP address. We are going to use it to send a text to the user according to their location. Include your ID and your password in automatic MaxMind mode, to update every month. Now we need the shortcode to be able to implement it in the next step. I use this:
[geoip_detect2_show_if country = "ES" = "Baleares"] <B> <FONT COLOR = "red"> This product cannot be delivered in your region </FONT>
<br> [/ geoip_detect2_show_if] (you can find more settings at Now we go to step 2. For the next action we are going to use the "Booster for WooCommerce" plugin.
Once installed, we are going to go to product> product info, where we will activate the module and in content we will add the previous shortcode. If we also want to add shipping times, we just have to go to orders and shipping> shipping time. You set the sending times, turn on the module and copy the shortcode at the beginning of the module. We return to the product> product info module and add a new block, where we will paste the new shortcode.
On the same product info page we can select if we want it to be by product or by a specific category so that the message appears.
I hope I've helped.