Search results

  1. S

    Chrome extension error - no https

    Hello, I receive this error from google for the extension: Mixed Content: The page at 'https://[]/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-orders&action=edit&id=122076' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure frame...
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    All products since today "No longer available"

    Since today, each product I do an manual update for, gets the status "no longer available". This happens when updating directly from the product editing page. (Other I have not tried). Anyone else? A temporary error? Example link: Thank...
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    Solved - Product Update not working since tweo days....

    UPDATE: Problem seems to be solved. Tried again - and now it worked (-: -------------------------------------------------- Hello, since two days the product update is not working any more, here. When I choose a single product and click on "update" it seems to work - but after the page-reload...
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    Higher Prices with API order !!

    Hello, has anyone of you already checked what prices are paid with API ordering? I just did and found out, that ordering via API is unfortunately more expensive via than a manual Aliexpress-order. Through the API I had to pay 20,43 Euro. Then I ordered manually the same and the price was...
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    Order via Api does not submit "Custom note for the supplier"

    Hello, I still have a little problem with the automatic ordering via API. It is all working, but does not send the message which can be given in the "General setting" of the Alidropship Plugin (Custom note for a supplier / This message will be sent with an order automatically.) It does not...
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    Tracking - no "order shipped" email

    Hello, it seems the tracking is finally working again, but it does not send an "order shipped email" - although this function is (still) enabled in the general settings of the Alidropship plugin and in the Woocommerce settings. Please can you check? Anyone else? For me this is a major error...
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    SEO Image Optimizer crashes Review-Images

    Hello, I was VERY happy that, after a sheer endless time the import of reviews with images is working again. But now there appears a major fault in the collaboration with the SEO Image Optimizer ( I am using all three functions of it. Usually...
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    API imports unavailable products (EU EPR)

    The API obviously is referring only to the US-Market. I am in Germany = EU. This not only means with using the API I get imported wrong prices (too low), but also I get imported products which are unavailable for my country! Last year I listet some products from a supplier, which has this...
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    Social Rabbit & Cloudflare

    Hello, I have just installed Cloudflare and therefore also changed the name server of my webshop. Since then the Social Rabbit Plugin is not working properly any more: For Facebook, it is posting - but instead of the image there appears a hint in the Facebook post, which only says "Attention...
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    Several problems with new extension, wrong Tracking Codes!?

    Hello, the new extension is not working very well, unfortunately. Some problems are solved, but: Auto order is just half working. Shopping cart is filled, but only in the background. Not automatically opening. No adress filling etc.. AND, very strange: Tracking is now working again (did not...
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    Faulty product update / in stock <-> out of stock

    Hello, since a while Aliexpress has some strange product status, which is interpreted wrong by the Alidropship product update. For example: Above it says, the item is not available. Below it says, 9.000 pieces in stock. It is not possible to...
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    New Chrome extension

    The new extension is not running very smoothly here. Gets stuck more often than before. Does not take the order number from Aliexpress. And worse: Tracking is not working. Just nothing happens. (I have cleared browser cache and also the newest version of the plugin installed) What are your...
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    Auto Order - not working - for Single Products without Variations (New Design, Germany)

    Hello, these days Aliexpress came up with the new product page design in Germany, also. It seems everything is working fine, except the auto order. When I have an order for a product with variations, it is working fine. When I have a product without any variations it gets stucked at "adding to...
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    Update - Plugin just changes Product Links to Russia !!!

    Hello all there, be very careful with installing the newest version of the Woo plugin. Here with the product update the Plugin now just changes my product links to Russian ones (they should be German). I just saw this accidently. Fortunately. It seems it is only a small bunch destroyed, yet...
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    DaVinci Woo outdated templates

    Hello, every time I update WooCommerce - there appears a hint, that my theme "DaVinci Woo" contains outdated template files. It seems this is not interfering with the functionality, yet - but wouldn't it be professional to finally fix this, since the Theme is still offered at
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    Pagespeed, LCP on Single Product Page for different Themes?

    Hello, I would be interested if the Alidropship themes have different pagespeed results? (Especially the LCP - largest contentful paint - in the single product page). Do the Themes all have the same "architecture" and just different styles - or is there more on it? Maybe someone knows or has...
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    Suggestion: Info, since when Product is "not available"

    A) It is quite normal that products temporarily are out of stock at Aliexpress and some time later are available again. B) Furthermore it happens that products disappear forever. It would be great to get some help by the plugin - to decide what category an actually unavaibalble product might...
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    Update DaVinci - whats new?

    Hi, I've seen there is an update for the DaVinci Theme - what is new in this version? (Nothing in the Changelog...) Thank you, Sandra
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    Plugin is importing a wrong Video URL

    Hello, since a while, the Alidropship Woo Plugin is importing a wrong video Url for my products. For example: The Plugin imports: // Which is not working. Correct is...
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    Change Pricing-Markup-Formula for Single Product

    Hello, I would find it very helpflul, if I could change the global pricing formula for single products. So, I know in the settings how to set my prices compared to the ones from Ali. Generally add xx percent or whatever. But sometimes I find products I would like to add to my shop, but with...