Scrape description image

Sorry for the newbie question just moving from Shopify oberlo to alidropship. My Question is can the alidropship chrome extension scape product description image into the gallery rather than saving them and adding them into WordPress? for oberlo when I was using it scraped those.


Staff member
Yes, you can add images from description to the product gallery in the Chrome extension while editing products.
Yes, you can add images from description to the product gallery in the Chrome extension while editing products.
I just found the settings but it's missing the description option as it said in the documentation


  • Image 2019-02-13 at 3.17.15 PM.png
    Image 2019-02-13 at 3.17.15 PM.png
    33.9 KB · Views: 7


Staff member
I mean this option where you can move images from the description to the product gallery.

Edit Item ‹ My WordPress Website — WordPress 2019-02-14 10-50-21.png