AliDropship Woo 0.8.10 UPDATE


prices are messed up now. Regular price & Sale price are switched. only after performing prices update its fixed.


No. When I import a product the Sale price was empty so it showed 0$
After updating prices it showed the “right” price.m: Usd in ILS.
My site is in currency ILS. So my prices are not presented correctly from the start. I always multiply in the currency rate ILS /usd since the plugin can’t do the conversion by itself. Which is a big downside of AliDropship woo plugin


New Member
i have a problem ,
i can't update the plugin nor the wordpress version & can't import products anymore so this is urgent
for the wordpress version it says :
Download failed.: The checksum of the file (d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e) does not
match the expected checksum value (481113ecae03ecb114a781d863f24a00). Installation Failed

and i see this when i try to update the plugin :
An error occurred while updating AliDropship Woo Plugin: Could not create directory.

Please help me solve this asap


I just noticed that priced are not imported correctly. I updated prices but it didnt solve the problem. Im fed up with contacting support, they just dont help. what a waste of time.


Active Member
Hi @Victoria Kudryashova @Ekaterina Sayapina @Igor @Yaros

There are still glitches concerning stock updates that still don't work on many products.

As I explained before:

Take this product:

The problem is not specific to this supplier, I have seen many others with this issue, i.g when a product is marked in Aliexpress as "out of stock" but Aliwoo returns a positive available stock quantity value.

Is the product page example above:

Instead of showing "out of stock" in Woocommerce it shows still 175 units available.

Why? Because on the source page Aliexpress product page, you have this code for one of the variations(China):

        isPurchaseLimit: "",
                unit: 'pieces',
                quantityNum: '175 ',
        availQuantityForCustomer: '175'

Please can you find something that automatically put these products as "out of stock" in Woo when you have this code on Aliexpress product page:

window.runParams.offlineText='<div class="no-longer-available"><h4>Sorry, this item is no longer available!</h4><div class="unavailable-text">

Same for "this product is out of stock", there are 2 or 3 messages like this that are used on Aliexpress in such cases.

Thank you very much.

Victoria Kudryashova

Hi @Victoria Kudryashova @Ekaterina Sayapina @Igor @Yaros

There are still glitches concerning stock updates that still don't work on many products.

As I explained before:

Take this product:

The problem is not specific to this supplier, I have seen many others with this issue, i.g when a product is marked in Aliexpress as "out of stock" but Aliwoo returns a positive available stock quantity value.

Is the product page example above:

Instead of showing "out of stock" in Woocommerce it shows still 175 units available.

Why? Because on the source page Aliexpress product page, you have this code for one of the variations(China):

        isPurchaseLimit: "",
                unit: 'pieces',
                quantityNum: '175 ',
        availQuantityForCustomer: '175'

Please can you find something that automatically put these products as "out of stock" in Woo when you have this code on Aliexpress product page:

window.runParams.offlineText='<div class="no-longer-available"><h4>Sorry, this item is no longer available!</h4><div class="unavailable-text">

Same for "this product is out of stock", there are 2 or 3 messages like this that are used on Aliexpress in such cases.

Thank you very much.
What option have you selected in this field:

Updates ‹ Test WOO — WordPress - Google Chrome 2018-05-07 10.45.42.png

Victoria Kudryashova

I just noticed that priced are not imported correctly. I updated prices but it didnt solve the problem. Im fed up with contacting support, they just dont help. what a waste of time.
Now all prices are imported in $.
We are in progress of making our own currency switcher.


Active Member
What option have you selected in this field:

View attachment 4094

Dear @Victoria Kudryashova , please, I already know all of this.

I don't want to send these products to draft.

I want these products stocks to be put at 0 on Woocommerce when these specific Aliexpress products are showing "out of stock" frontend but the backend is still indicating a positive stock value.

Please read carefully my message again, click the link, import the product and see by yourself.

To me, it's a HUGE problem because on many products I can't even know when they are no more in stock.

On the example above, even with your update setup product won't be put to draft, neither stocks will be put to 0 because of this... but the product itself on Aliexpress is "no more in stock".

Priority should be given to that information over stock quantity value sent by Aliexpress.

Also, I've remarked that when "Put stocks to 0" option is ON with Aliwoo, all the variation are "reset", i.g the ID number tied to Aliexpress Variation isn't showing any attributes no more, I have to select it back manually but without knowing which ID corresponds to the correct attributes.

User @LightlyScorched and others have also reported that issue.


Victoria Kudryashova

Dear @Victoria Kudryashova , please, I already know all of this.

I don't want to send these products to draft.

I want these products stocks to be put at 0 on Woocommerce when these specific Aliexpress products are showing "out of stock" frontend but the backend is still indicating a positive stock value.

Please read carefully my message again, click the link, import the product and see by yourself.

To me, it's a HUGE problem because on many products I can't even know when they are no more in stock.

On the example above, even with your update setup product won't be put to draft, neither stocks will be put to 0 because of this... but the product itself on Aliexpress is "no more in stock".

Priority should be given to that information over stock quantity value sent by Aliexpress.

Also, I've remarked that when "Put stocks to 0" option is ON with Aliwoo, all the variation are "reset", i.g the ID number tied to Aliexpress Variation isn't showing any attributes no more, I have to select it back manually but without knowing which ID corresponds to the correct attributes.

User @LightlyScorched and others have also reported that issue.

View attachment 4095

We work with data that AliExpres provides us with , so to make the requested changes we will need to redo a lot of stuff inside of plugin, to change its logic. We can't do this right now, but we will do this later .


Active Member
... hum it's a vague answer, but I understand your point.

Please really consider it in future updates. The goal of the plugin is to automate stocks, right?

I understand that it represent a small percentage of Aliexpress products but I've seen this many times.

Ain't cool to sell on backorders
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Active Member
And what about the "reset variation" problem described above? It's supposed to be a core function of Aliwoo.

At the moment I don't use the "Put stock to 0" option in update tab because of this issue.

Thank you.