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  1. chris37

    bug on da vinci woo

    after the latest update @Ekaterina Sayapina on da vinci woo the customize setting disappear see screenshot ... guys i need fast fix on it. both of my site stay stack now because of this.
  2. chris37

    Gift box and Alishipping

    Can some one for the time to make it more clear this please @Dimitriy Strekalov @Nadezhda
  3. chris37

    social rabbit

    Pixabay and pexel not working! Anybody face same issue ?
  4. chris37

    AliExpress Cashback

    Hi ali-members, When you have multiple site do you use same AliExpress Cashback url or you create new for each site ??
  5. chris37

    Reset products

    When I try to reset products in my site,(because of the usual proplem of out of stock products) Is stack on the loading and never finished, is start happening from yesterday. Anybody have similar issue this days?
  6. chris37

    Gift box

    I use da vinci woo. Anybody know how to make the mobile menu when is open to be above the gift box? I don't like it when the gift box hide space of the menu! (See screenshot below)
  7. chris37

    Social rabbit

    That account was set up buy alidropship company when they built a custom store.. So I check and my twitter account and show is post buy social rabbit plugin us well, The issue appear when I hit the logo in each post social rabbit posted (in twitter )
  8. chris37

    1 site for sale alidropship origina

    Hi I want to sell one of my sites.. Is 18 month old .Alidropship original plugin .5 social network with many follower(over 3000 follower) .social rabbit plugin .one year paid hosting and domain. Please private message for I give url for check it out.
  9. chris37

    Social rabbit

    Hi. I need some help with timing of the autoposting of social rabbit,after some search I made in the forum I found many account have be block/disable because of this. Please share with me the timing for the autoposting in the safe zone please:) Below is the time I have my social media...
  10. chris37

    Social Rabbit

    I followed the instruction on but i notice many different from the version i have. Like pinterest in the instruction show mutual promotion and i dont have in my setting. Also in the tool for the automatic message to new follower in not show us well in my...
  11. chris37

    Sell one of my site

    Hi I want to sell one of my sites.. Is 18 month old .Alidropship original plugin .5 social network with many follower .social rabbit plugin .one year paid hosting and domain. Please private message for I give url for check it out.
  12. chris37


    Hello alimembers, Do I Use mail chimp or my hosting professional email in the set up of the Abandoned Card ? I don't use smtp plugin (I don't really need it ) because always my email go in the inbox of my client not the spam folder. Thank you All.
  13. chris37


  14. chris37

    Manual change price

    hi anybody know how to avoid auto-update price when manual change specific price for a product ...i want all my products follow my pricing formula but some of them i want them have a specific price,when i change the price manual is everything ok until the auto-update price take place and my...
  15. chris37

    products on my store have quantity to zero but have stock on aliexpress

    products on my store have quantity to zero but have stock on aliexpress ..this i happen in many products, i must manual go to product page and do the update my any way we can fix that? the automatic option for update is enable!
  16. chris37


    1) Google analytics:monsterinsights plugin or put the code in the alidropship woo plugin reports setting and what the difference ? 2)what is faster loading the save image on your server or the image server by aliexpress cdn ?
  17. chris37


    when i have a product which have more the one shipping option,sometime have a different price of the product, my issue is for example a person from australia want to buy a product and he see 2 shipping option france and china, so he choose france because is cheaper,in my website is allow it to...
  18. chris37

    variation position

    please see the photo below. how can i put them in correct order without i brake the connection with aliexpress?like this is show also in the product page? even if i rename it, when the autoorder take place is gonna take the small for larger ?
  19. chris37

    Woocommerce paypal checkout, cached

    I notice something website default currency is u.s dollar, I have geolocarion enable and my region is on europe so when I visited my website like use I see euro currency,I noticed when I put something on the card and i go to checkout because of the way woocommerce work the default...