Dear All,

Last year in Nov 2020, My facebook business is restricted permanently and tried to make an another new account but again closed. I want to know the strategy to start again with facebook and Instagram ads. I read so many blogs and post where mentioned we can't advertise if fb closed our business manager permanently.

Please advice me for below mentioned queries :

1) Can I make an new account with my Name and Verify my same Photo id which used for previous account (If fb will ask in future) ?
2) Same Website can use and verify as last time we verified our business with facebook ? Or need to make new website from starting.
3) Can we use Same Laptop and Internet ?
4) Can we use Same GST Number for Tax purposes which previously used ? (GST - Goods and Service Tax in India)
5) Can we use same mobile ? (If we already opened previous fb id on mobile so we can use new id also ? (Because I heard fb AI system will detect you and close the account)
6) Mobile number should use same or different ?
7) Same Bank Account/Cards can use for advertise payments ?
8) Same registered address can use ?

Please answer of this queries and share your experience if you also started advertise again on facebook and instagram after permanently restricted your account.

Thanks in advance....:)
