Importing and mapping a product with variations into multiple products in store


New Member
So my first issue is this:

  • I want to import a product with (one or more sets of) variations, see this product as an example.
  • I want to have a separate product in my store for each variation.

So what is the current Alidropship Woo solution for importing a product with many variations and NOT wanting to have one product with many variations in their store, but having multiple products for each variation?

Can this be a new feature?

And my second issue is:
  • Some Aliexpress products have 1 variation that is useless to list, so I would like to import a product with a single variation and have a way of hiding its variation and making a "default" variation choice from the import settings. So my customer doesn't know and see that there is a single useless variation choice, so I can hide its attribute and also correctly order it from the Aliexpress supplier. The information wouldn't be lost in the back end.

Thank you to the Alidropship team in advance!
1. Simply import and remove the variation. Keep in mind of the variation when ordering.
2. Dont have access to a dashboard for now but you can either put the product variation out of stock or set it to not visible.