Higher Prices with API order !!


Active Member
Hello, has anyone of you already checked what prices are paid with API ordering?

I just did and found out, that ordering via API is unfortunately more expensive via than a manual Aliexpress-order.

Through the API I had to pay 20,43 Euro.

Then I ordered manually the same and the price was only 19,12 Euro, indeed less coins I only had to pay 18,73 Euro.

For the very same item and shipping adress!!

This is more than just some few cents. /-:

I fear, the API is useless, if it cannot use coins or other discounts that we might have quired on Aliexpress.


Active Member
Give it a try. Order via API, then do not pay.
Order again manually.

When the manual order is cheaper, you can just pay it and cancel the one from the API. So everything is fine.

It would be interesting to see if that happens generally and for everyone, or just from time to time.