I tried to activate the plugin in WordPress but it showed me the below Error
I went through the forums and that guy's problem was really close to mine
As I'm also with siteground
What's really confusing is that the plugin was workin on their server, I deleted the website and reinstall it again and now its not working
I contacted the support they weren't able to help me
Would someone tells me exactly what should I do?
Fatal error: The file /home/leveluni/public_html/wp-content/plugins/alidswoo/core/core.php encoded as type [1/71] cannot be decoded by this version of the ionCube Loader. in Unknown on line 0
I went through the forums and that guy's problem was really close to mine
As I'm also with siteground
What's really confusing is that the plugin was workin on their server, I deleted the website and reinstall it again and now its not working
I contacted the support they weren't able to help me
Would someone tells me exactly what should I do?