Well, it is not completely fixed. In some cases, I do get to select a list of items to match the item in the order, in others, the plugin just selects the first variation. I wonder why this is happening but a quick workaround is:
0) Click on Place Order Automatically (button)
1) Click on the item link (Name of the item) in the Popup window (it will open a new Tab(A) with the item and credit your affiliate link)
2) Wait for the process to complete, i.e. the Plugin opens a new Tab(B) and fills in all address and order comments,
3) Switch view to Tab(A), add the right variation to cart (don't worry about Tab (B))
4) Go to your cart, remove the wrong variation, and click on BUY ALL
5) Since the address and customer information is already entered in Tab(B), all you need to do is to copy and paste order comments and pay. I always choose OTHER PAYMENTS and pay 10 orders at a time together. Also, double check that you have the right customer... Sometimes if the customer is from a different country than your previous order, you may have to re-select the address.
6) Grab the Aliexpress Order Id and go back to your order item and paste it manually.
7) Close those tabs, rinse and repeat with the next order.
If there is only one item in the order, on step 3, you can just click on BUY NOW instead of ADD TO CART, this will speed up your ordering process even more. Because the whole ordering process is faster now, even by doing this extra step, you are actually processing orders faster than before.
Note: I keep order comments handy in a text file for quick copy+paste.
With the above procedure, I can do about 1 to 2 orders per minute. 80 orders in about an hour or so.