AliDropship Woo plugin ver. 1.6.71 - UPDATE

Dimitriy Strekalov

Staff member
  • Products bulk reset added: AliDropship >> Settings >> Reset
  • AliExpress Login section has been renamed to ‘API Settings’ and now consists of ‘AliExpress Login’ and new ‘Select country, language and currency you want to import products from’ subsections. In the new section you can select the country, language and currency you want to import products from.

Dimitriy Strekalov

Staff member

Yes, the wrong pricing issue should be solved now. Please, make sure to set correct settings here and reset your Products:

The solution of the "Custom note for a supplier" will be available in the next AliDropship plugin update, we are still working on it.

As for the tracking issue, please, contact our Support Team, so they could investigate your issue further:

Jin Jie


Could you, please, provide your WP-admin access details, so we can check, what might be wrong?
One thing is the fact that I been having the following error for a very long time:
PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/public_html/wp-content/plugins/alidswoo/includes/adsw/adsCurrency.php on line 0

What is causing it? Thanks

Actions: Place Order Manually - The link is /wp-admin/post.php?post=0&action=edit&ads-move=13257&ads-variation-id=32288
That doesn't seem right.
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Dimitriy Strekalov

Staff member
One thing is the fact that I been having the following error for a very long time:
PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/public_html/wp-content/plugins/alidswoo/includes/adsw/adsCurrency.php on line 0

What is causing it? Thanks
This is a notice which is not relating to any actual issue on your website. But we understand that you don't want it to be displayed, so you need just to disable the debug mode on your website, that should solve this issue.

Actions: Place Order Manually - The link is /wp-admin/post.php?post=0&action=edit&ads-move=13257&ads-variation-id=32288
That doesn't seem right.
We will require your WP-admin access details in order to check, what might be the issue.

Jin Jie

This is a notice which is not relating to any actual issue on your website. But we understand that you don't want it to be displayed, so you need just to disable the debug mode on your website, that should solve this issue.

We will require your WP-admin access details in order to check, what might be the issue.
Thank you for your quick reply!
I have added define( 'WP_DEBUG', false ); to my wp-config.php file
I will use the Place Order Automatically API for now.