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  1. Groan

    Why did a bunch of my stuff just show up as FREE on my site?

    It didnt show as requiring an update in the "updates" notification. Looked now at the plugins page I see it is needing one. updating now. I hope that updating the items will restore them.
  2. Groan

    Had an embarrassing moment regarding stock

    It didnt show as requiring an update in the "updates" notification. Looked now at the plugins page I see it is needing one. updating now. EDIT The update, while it didn't fix it the first time I ran it, worked the second time. Crisis averted.
  3. Groan

    Why did a bunch of my stuff just show up as FREE on my site?

    I have to restore to a previous date so hopefully this gets fixed. I can't wait at this point and I'll make sure to turn off auto updates. I don't feel I can keep this site live now until I know it is working. CRap! Just rolled back to the 2nd and they are are the same. My store is now offline...
  4. Groan

    Had an embarrassing moment regarding stock

    I did have somethgin like this happen. Also today I just noticed that a bunch of items prices were set to nothing so my site was listing them for FREE! This is a huge problem.
  5. Groan

    Why did a bunch of my stuff just show up as FREE on my site?

    Just logged into my store and a whole lot of items are listed as FREE! I'm re-running the price updater but this is pretty awful if the updater is making a bunch of items free. It's a good thing nobody is looking at my site now. There are 3 pages out of 9 that have gone to FREE!
  6. Groan

    What's new in the new build?

    Thanks @Jess !!!
  7. Groan

    What's new in the new build?

    Hi @Yaros Can you report what's in the new build?
  8. Groan

    Cannot Post Order

    Manual doesn't populate anything. Supplier info was what I meant, I wasn't at a computer when I typed that so I forgot the proper name. Interesting that it says No Longer Exists for the worldwide shipping. Did you change the name of the shipping options? I had that also on the one that didn't...
  9. Groan

    Cannot Post Order

    Patrick, Does it happen for all of your orders or just one? When you look at the product details in WooCommerce at the bottom you will see Vendor Details. Click the link to visit the item. Does the item appear in stock or available?
  10. Groan

    Cannot Post Order

    I think I figured it out. The item I ordered is no longer available in AliExpress. That's a concern, isn't it. and means to get those orders filled right away
  11. Groan

    Cannot Post Order

    It appears that if you don't submit the order right away it wont process. I have an order that is 8 days old and the button won't work. Another one that is new went through with no problem. thoughts?
  12. Groan

    Cannot Post Order

    Hey all, It appears this issue still exists. On my order when I press the button to fill it automatically nothign happens. I thought it might be due to not having open but that doesnt help. chrome with plugins up to date. When i press the button the following appears in teh...
  13. Groan

    How are the taxes calculated?

    I'm from Canada and with the base install of Woocommerce I'm able to do business. I don't need any other plugins. I recommend that you at least give it a look. Have them send you a test key to see it it will meet your needs.
  14. Groan

    How are the taxes calculated?

    Use the Woocommerce plugin. It will do it.
  15. Groan

    Prices are WAY off after importing

    I understand that. What needs attention is that when a currency is chosen, and you recalculate the price formula it redoes the formula with USD instead of the chosen currency. If I had not had a backup of my database I would have had to redo all my items. I just think it needs consideration...
  16. Groan

    Prices are WAY off after importing

    I've had to do a database restore to revert to this morning's prices. This has corrected them but the price update issue really should be addressed. That is potientially a huge store breaker.
  17. Groan

    Prices are WAY off after importing

    This is very inconsistant. I just imported another item, this time making sure the CAD was chosen for my default price on AliExpress. It imported and applied the conversion and the supplier info still shows USD, just like my existing items taht are NOT doing the conversion to CAD. Earlier I...
  18. Groan

    Prices are WAY off after importing

    Good eye! I missed that. Now I have to figure out why it's not displaying in Canadian. I have Woo set to display in CAD but the plugin isn't supporting CAD. This is not good.
  19. Groan

    Suggestion/Feedback Thread

    Is it possible to add a feature that ignores the Ali Express Sale Price? That would allow us to place our own sale prices if we want to instead of getting the "sale" prices from AliExpress.
  20. Groan

    Prices are WAY off after importing

    After importing this bag The price is much lower in our store. Why when our pricing is set up as such