Hello, here is our new add-on - SEO Image Optimizer. Beta testers are welcome!
You can download this add-on from this thread (the file is attached). To get a free plugin license, please PM me! (The offer is limited).
Optimizing your images is an essential practice to make your site lighter and faster. SEO Image Optimizer is a must-have plugin designed to improve your website performance and SEO ranking. Set it up once and never worry about image SEO again. The plugin runs SEO improvements automatically for you.
The plugin includes three tools:
Minimizer compresses your images by up to 40-70% without quality loss. It dramatically increases the site’s load speed used by Google as a ranking factor in its algorithm.

Each image uploaded on your store should have ALT texts. It helps to make your store more SEO-friendly and get floods of traffic from image search. With the ALT Optimizer tool, you can automatically add optimized ALT texts to your images in just a second by using done templates or creating your own one.

Images can be a great source of organic traffic for a store if images are named correctly. Descriptive, keyword-rich image titles and filenames are crucial for image SEO optimization. Rename your image titles with customizable templates to ensure that Google will display them to as many potential customers as possible.

Instructions on how to use SEO Image Optimizer.
You can download this add-on from this thread (the file is attached). To get a free plugin license, please PM me! (The offer is limited).
Optimizing your images is an essential practice to make your site lighter and faster. SEO Image Optimizer is a must-have plugin designed to improve your website performance and SEO ranking. Set it up once and never worry about image SEO again. The plugin runs SEO improvements automatically for you.
The plugin includes three tools:
Minimizer compresses your images by up to 40-70% without quality loss. It dramatically increases the site’s load speed used by Google as a ranking factor in its algorithm.

Each image uploaded on your store should have ALT texts. It helps to make your store more SEO-friendly and get floods of traffic from image search. With the ALT Optimizer tool, you can automatically add optimized ALT texts to your images in just a second by using done templates or creating your own one.


Instructions on how to use SEO Image Optimizer.