However being an Australian and having Australian registered Stripe & Paypal ac's I believe in General Settings I will need to set are as follows -DEFAULT CURRENCY in "US Dollar ($)"
Hi. I'm an Aussie, have several stores, target the U.S mainly and use Stripe. My stores default currency is U.S dollars.
So is this...
DEFAULT DATABASE CURRENCY in "Australian dollar ($)"
I also have nominated Express Paypal as my checkout
I have assumed I would set as my DEFAULT DATABASE CURRENCY in "Australian dollar ($)" as this is the currency my Australian Stripe & Paypal accounts are registered in.
Where is this "Default Database Currency"? In Paypal, Stripe or in your store? From the way you wrote it, quickly following the mention of Paypal, it seems you are talking about your Paypal currency. On the other hand it has nothing to do with Stripe. Stripe pays into your bank account. Not Paypal. If you are talking about Paypal, it makes no difference what currency it's in. Funds paid into it will be converted. My Paypal is in Aussie dollars. If you are talking about your Stripe account, again it makes no difference. It pays into your bank account whatever currency it's in. If it's your store, set it to U.S dollars. Set EVERYTHING in your store to U.S dollars. (If you are pretending to be a U.S based store)
No wonder the Russians were confused, I'm not sure I completely understand you either. lol
Bottom line, My stores are all in U.S dollars, Paypal account is in Aussie dollars, Stripe pays in whatever your bank account is.
I have obtained a virtual US address
Put in the footer of your emails too, to cut down on the chances of it going into SPAM boxes. And also put it in the footer of your site.
EDIT: You can also add and accept payments in U.S dollars in your Aussie Paypal account as well ...
if you wish to, but when you transfer the money to your bank, it will of course be converted to Aussie dollars, so it's a waste of time.