Unable To Verify DNS Configuration From SendinBlue


New Member

I need help here.
I tried to add new TXT record in my DNS settings.

All went well except for one.
Set TXT (DKIM) record for "mail._domainkey.microstylist.com"

I did the same thing just like the other 2 but it didn't get the status Configured like the other 2.
I need to know what can I do to solve this problem. Anyone can help me?

Greatly appreciate it! I checked logs too but nothing's wrong.

Real Residual

Active Member
What is the error you are getting?
What DNS server are you using?

Here's what I found using Cloudflare as DNS.
Most likely there is a line break of some sort when you copy/paste the DKIM code into your DNS server. I would just copy the long content part into a notepad and make sure it's one long line with no line breaks in it. If you see 2 lines or more then backspace at the beginning of the new line and combine it with the first line. Do this for all new lines. Once you have one with no line breaks, then copy over to your DNS. Look below and you should see line breaks between X 6, and 2 H.

    "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAxTImf+fn7LtAKMyMFG77654XBz8C3mHk74ocgjAQB816h7WjK9FQhD+UOfqP0Vrm43f5ogpe9tyTCkOV9LQw8ZrX


New Member
What is the error you are getting?
What DNS server are you using?

Here's what I found using Cloudflare as DNS.
Most likely there is a line break of some sort when you copy/paste the DKIM code into your DNS server. I would just copy the long content part into a notepad and make sure it's one long line with no line breaks in it. If you see 2 lines or more then backspace at the beginning of the new line and combine it with the first line. Do this for all new lines. Once you have one with no line breaks, then copy over to your DNS. Look below and you should see line breaks between X 6, and 2 H.

    "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAxTImf+fn7LtAKMyMFG77654XBz8C3mHk74ocgjAQB816h7WjK9FQhD+UOfqP0Vrm43f5ogpe9tyTCkOV9LQw8ZrX

I didn't get any error. Instead it is still showing unconfigured. I have checked, there was no line break.


Real Residual

Active Member
The "name" field is wrong in your DNS setting.

You have microstylist.com. According to your record, it should have been "mail._domainkey.microstylist.com"