Transition to PHP 7.1. and Zend Guard support termination

Victoria Kudryashova


I refered to post #44, I see only one image which is the steps to click on edit in the plugin screen. I understand that I need to check the value within the quotes. But which quotes should I refer to ?

If there was a second image, I am not able to see it

There are explanations of how to understand which version exactly do you have. Please have a look once again.

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Simple solution ... just uninstall the plugin you have, whatever it is .. then install the ionCube one. Then you'll be 100% sure of what it is. You won't lose any data.

Victoria Kudryashova

$extensions = get_loaded_extensions();

$key = ADS_CODE != 'ion' ? 'Zend Guard Loader' : 'ionCube Loader';

if ( ! in_array($key, $extensions) ) {

return sprintf( __( '%s Not found', 'ads' ), $key ) .
'. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn more</a>.';

return false;

thus this means i have an ion cube loader?

If you have empty space between ' ' - you have Zend Guard Loader version.
If you have 'ion' between ' ' - you have ionCube version.


New Member
Hi guys,

I just can't install ion cube plugin. i just tried it several times but it say's
"are you sure you want to do this?" and underlined
"Please try again"

anyone can tell me what should i do?

Highly appreciated for any answer to this error iv'e got!

Thanks. . . .

Victoria Kudryashova

Hi guys,

I just can't install ion cube plugin. i just tried it several times but it say's
"are you sure you want to do this?" and underlined
"Please try again"

anyone can tell me what should i do?

Highly appreciated for any answer to this error iv'e got!

Thanks. . . .

Hello, it seems that you have a restriction for files upload on your Hosting. You need either to remove this resctriction or install AliDropship plugin via cPanel.


New Member
Ok thanks for the replies... My code is

if ( !defined('ADS_CODE') ) define( 'ADS_CODE', '' );

So means it is the Zenguard version and i need to install the IonCube version

My website is hosted with alidropship hosting, will the upgrade and all the stuff be done for me ?


Victoria Kudryashova

Ok thanks for the replies... My code is

if ( !defined('ADS_CODE') ) define( 'ADS_CODE', '' );

So means it is the Zenguard version and i need to install the IonCube version

My website is hosted with alidropship hosting, will the upgrade and all the stuff be done for me ?

Yes, we can do this for you, please PM me your domain name and WP login credentials.

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
yes I did.. but was still not working.. I think I should ask my hosting provider that is Godaddy to install ioncube version 10 to install in php 7.1 . may be that works. M I right???
Try PHP 7.00 ... not 7.1. PHP 7.00 works with ionCube 4.75, which is probably what you have. I had the same problem.

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Okay so i need to go to Cpanel and just select the PHP 7.0 and save.. thats it right? Becausei already have ion cube version

Yes. That's right. Just make sure the ionCube or ionCube Loader checkbox is ticked ... then click SAVE below.

According to Yarros ... PHP 7 will be supported for a long, long time.

I have ionCube 4.7.5 and set PHP to version 7.0. The ionCube Alidropship plugin is working just fine.



Yes. That's right. Just make sure the ionCube or ionCube Loader checkbox is ticked ... then click SAVE below.

According to Yarros ... PHP 7 will be supported for a long, long time.

I have ionCube 4.7.5 and set PHP to version 7.0. The ionCube Alidropship plugin is working just fine.

Cool i will try. Can you tell how the website is responding after upgradation of php 7?

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
If you have any "other" plugins using "Zendguard", you will get error messages, like I did as Zendguard can't use PHP 7.0.
I had Social Rabbit plugin, Customer Gallery plugin and Recent sales plugin using Zend and I had to change those to the ionCube versions as well.
All is OK now.


New Member
PHP is going to stop supporting 5.6 version on the 31st of December, 2018.

Considering that, we decided to make a consistent transition of AliDropship plugin to PHP 7 and higher. According to our tests, PHP 7 productivity has been improved more than 2 times.

In connection with a transition to PHP 7 we will stop releasing and updating AliDropship plugin for Zend Guard Loader on the 13th of December, 2017, as this PHP extension is not going to support PHP 7.

There will be two versions of AliDropship plugin available: AliDropship IonCube version for PHP 5.6+ and AliDropship IonCube version for PHP 7.0 and PHP 7.1.

How to move from AliDropship Zend Guard version to AliDropship IonCube one.

There are two ways to enable ionCube on your Hosting:

  1. Contact your Hosting support team and ask them to enable ionCube 10 on your account;
  2. Enable it by yourself using your cPanel.
Once you enable ionCube go to your WordPress admin area -> Plugins and delete AliDropship plugin for Zend Guard Loader.

Upload AliDropship plugin for ionCube and install it via Plugin section of your WordPress website.

It’s done!
My site and dashboard has been running EXTREMELY SLOW the past two weeks. I have not been able to get anything done because of this and even freelancers are complaining they cannot login or get work done.

I have sent multiple emails to support and I just keep being told the server is fine - but this cannot be the case because I even had freelancers try to
Optizimise site speed and it is still a mess. Dashboard taking minutes upon minutes to load and I'm going nuts.

Do I need to update to the PHP 7 version? Is this why?

I am ready to find another hosting provider at this point I am beyond frustrated!!