Tracking page not an option anymore


Hey guys,

Enjoy the plugin, but just wanted to point out something with the tracking page that is built into the theme. As it embeds 17track as an iFrame, it will always include an Ad at the top, which, if your customer has been searching around for the product on your store (most of the time this is the case, hence why they bought from you), means they see ads like this:


The item in that Ad? The exact item they bought from me, except showing the AliExpress price and store I sourced it from. This means I am getting customers coming back to me wondering why the price difference (and there is a LOT of difference ;) ).

Now I can only send them off to the page with their tracking number included already otherwise I risk them seeing my wholesale price.

I assume not much can be done due to the iFrame being controlled by 17track, but just thought I'd share my experience.

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
I already asked support about that. The ad is from 17 Track. They are inserting it via an iFrame which is against Adsense rules. I wrote to them and said if they don't remove the ad, I will report them to Adsense and their account will be closed and they will lose all their money ....... I was bluffing.

They did not reply. I guess they guessed I was bluffing. Maybe I should REALLY report the arrogant bastards to Adsense.

I wonder if there is some alternative tracking plugin around?

Thank God I haven't actually gone live with a store yet. The problems with this plugin never seem to end. And what really pisses me off ... it's too late to get refunds for the two licenses I've bought. So at the moment ... I'm just sitting tight waiting for this plugin to get out of the "Beta" stage. :(

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Actually ... now that I think about it ... it's not 17Track's fault. I'll have to write them another email and apologize. LOL

It's the Alidropship Plugin's fault. It's the plugin that is displaying a page with an Adsense ad on it ... via an iFrame. 17Track has no control over that.

I have an idea for a work around alternative if I can find a Chinese/English tracking page with no ads. If it works ... I'll make a new post here in the Technical section very soon. :)