PM sentHey! Please PM me as well. Store URL + social accounts![]()
Hi, msged you, please check your please store url + social accounts
Message sent!PM me all the links and any other valuable information please.
Thank you very much for sharing. I went real quick through the link and perhaps it is a good alternative when you don't have some good 5-6 months to spend growing an account on your own. I see he mentions using powerlikes which to my understanding is pretty much engagement groups. Whether that's good or bad is a completely separate topic. The prices he has listed aren't too far away from what I mentioned in my initial post. 3.2k followers for $50. So for 6k followers we are looking at around $100. In any case the instagram account that goes with my store is a good addition to the bundle and has helped me generate my sales.
No worries, and thank you for sharing the link. I've read many different opinions pro and against follow/unfollow, engagement groups, etc. I think at the end of the day it really comes down to testing and see what works best for you. I've been personally growing my account 90% using the follow/unfollow method and I do not think my engagement suffers. On the contrary, comparing to other similar pages I think it is doing quite well. With regards to engagement groups, I haven't tried it personally but one thing I know for sure is that I will never invest (or if I do it will be a very small amount) in a shoutout/promo on an account grown by using engagement groups. Simply because this to me is really "fake" engagement and will not bring any customers or traffic to my store.Yes, he use powerlikes & other techniques he doesn't want to reveal, joining a big & high quality engagement group will certainly help your account grow without using the mass follow to follow method which destroy the engagement horribly. Thanks for sharing the screenshot.
No worries, and thank you for sharing the link. I've read many different opinions pro and against follow/unfollow, engagement groups, etc. I think at the end of the day it really comes down to testing and see what works best for you. I've been personally growing my account 90% using the follow/unfollow method and I do not think my engagement suffers. On the contrary, comparing to other similar pages I think it is doing quite well. With regards to engagement groups, I haven't tried it personally but one thing I know for sure is that I will never invest (or if I do it will be a very small amount) in a shoutout/promo on an account grown by using engagement groups. Simply because this to me is really "fake" engagement and will not bring any customers or traffic to my store.
Thanks! Indeed, as mentioned I don't have much in depth overview on engagement groups so in any case I am not saying they are bad for growing an account, it's just that I personally would not invest in a paid promo on such account.Fist, congratulations on closing the sale.
While do i agree that most of the engagement groups are full of garbage accounts, but there are many HQ ones which are private of course, and you need to already have a bigger base of followers to enter, some even charge amounts of $$ to enter, there are also niche based groups, and i saw bigger & authority accounts participating in some groups, it's not all bad !
As for the follow/unfollow, i was curious in first time whether it's really the reason behind low engagement or not, and when i started building & selling account i find out that there are some limit in engagement you can't exceed with the Follow/unfollow method, the best thing i could get was a 8% rate, and something else, is that peoples could easily detect it's grown using a bot just by checking your following stats in social blade which give bad image about your accts in case you want to sell them. & again this is what control an account value : the engagement. also, there is not only the follow/unfollow & the engagement groups to grow accts, there are many methods & anything that can bring followers organically rather than using automation & mass follow will result in higher value of the acct.
Cheers & sorry if i'm looking biased on that answer, i'm just trying to share my conclusions since i worked on this field before.
Hi, as per my previous message store has been sold already.Hi, Can you please send me the store URL with FB, Instagram details.?