New Member

Expires On : 2022-03-03
Registered On : 2020-03-03
Updated On : 2021-02-26
Why this business was started
I've always wanted my own bigger project. I wanted to open this store as a test before I dive into my own unique store.
The reason of selling this business
Now that I have created my own brand, I no longer need this store to enable me concentrate on my new venture. It was an experiment for proof of concept and helped me raise some funds for my new project. Now I have my own business by myself so this store really helped set me off.
What's involved in running this business
General maintenance just includes fulfilling orders and ensuring that adverts are running on google and Facebook. it is at the owners discretion to expand product lines and import new smart watches but is not a necessity You will need to respond to email queries you may need to track orders you will need to pay suppliers but this is an integrated process and not difficult you may need to make page edits to represent new sales you want to run.
Google Analytics Included.
Social media
503 Follows
Asking Price - $500
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