In premium products all video and products are not safe. As we used this service and after some sale facebook disabled our personal profile and restricted all the ad account. Even facebook not answering of review request from last 58 days and Live chat support team saying its generally happen due to multiple violation but we were using the videos and material as per shared in premium product service.
Before disabled, One product we post on our page and facebook give us warning and they hide the product from our page due to copyright reason and we also informed to alidropship team but they said they already aware and investigating the issue but didn't inform anything about this copyright problem even if they are awared so why didn't informed us and why product not removed. Sometime music warning also received from facebook which shared in videos. Don't know what should i do now and why facebook team also taking such long time as requested for review on dated 23 Oct, 2020 and till now no response on support inbox. Very disappointed