I have purchased the alidropship plugin and began building my website. This is my first venture into building an ecommerce website so this is a very new experience for me.
I have noticed that every product after importing is listed on my website as being on sale. How can I make my products not be on sale? I don't think it looks right to have every single item as being "on sale". I did look under variations and clicked schedule under the sale and changed the dates for the same day which did remove the sale price and only listed one price. However after doing this...the main image still is showing the banner sale across it which does not look right.
I have noticed that every product after importing is listed on my website as being on sale. How can I make my products not be on sale? I don't think it looks right to have every single item as being "on sale". I did look under variations and clicked schedule under the sale and changed the dates for the same day which did remove the sale price and only listed one price. However after doing this...the main image still is showing the banner sale across it which does not look right.