Product filter option - color, size, price etc.

Please develop and add product filter option like color, size, price etc.

Make more user friendly filter like shop by clothing such as cotton, polyester, nylon etc.
Admin can check how many products in particular item specific, and have an option for show or hide to avoid low quantity product filter crowd

Can show filter as category wise like aliexpress have. ex. In jewelry category show only jewelry related item specific option (pre choosen). while clothing, showing only clothing color and other item specific option

Thank you


Staff member
Right, filters are useful, we are going to integrate such filters based on product attributes.

Davide Pirovano

New Member

Has this filter integration been integrated into current versions? I do not see anything like this, so I would like to understand, if I have to use a plugin or can make conflicts.


Ekaterina Sayapina

Filters based on product attributes (color, size) are not available at this point.