New Member
Please find my below questions about AliDropShip plugin I just purchased. Thanks.
1. Cache Plugin
Do AliDropship support Siteground SuperCacher Cache plugin as below?
If not, any cache plugin recommeded?
2. Store Theme
Saw from the forum post that a new theme is developed as below one, could you tell me how to get it? Or any other theme available?
3. Payment Option Sandbox
Does it support Sandbox/Trial Payment for PayPal & Stripe for our testing?
4. SEO Plugin
Any Wordpress SEO plugin recommended?
5. Export Order to CSV
Any method/plugin suggested to export the order to CSV?
If not, please consider to add this feature as it's essential for us to export the orders (with all fields) to suppliers for mass products fullfilment.
6. [Critical] Woocommerce Support
I am an experienced Woocommerce shop builder, is it any plan to make this plugin works with Woocomemrce system? As there are many great plugins to solve the above issue at once.
Please consider to add Woocommerce support ASAP, as it should solve many feature request issue at once.
I can help do alpha/beta testing for the WC support, if you want.
Thanks a lot.
1. Cache Plugin
Do AliDropship support Siteground SuperCacher Cache plugin as below?
If not, any cache plugin recommeded?
2. Store Theme
Saw from the forum post that a new theme is developed as below one, could you tell me how to get it? Or any other theme available?
3. Payment Option Sandbox
Does it support Sandbox/Trial Payment for PayPal & Stripe for our testing?
4. SEO Plugin
Any Wordpress SEO plugin recommended?
5. Export Order to CSV
Any method/plugin suggested to export the order to CSV?
If not, please consider to add this feature as it's essential for us to export the orders (with all fields) to suppliers for mass products fullfilment.
6. [Critical] Woocommerce Support
I am an experienced Woocommerce shop builder, is it any plan to make this plugin works with Woocomemrce system? As there are many great plugins to solve the above issue at once.
Please consider to add Woocommerce support ASAP, as it should solve many feature request issue at once.
I can help do alpha/beta testing for the WC support, if you want.
Thanks a lot.