rahul patil
2 weeks ago I set up paypal payment into plugin settings and everything was working. But since last 6 days, all my orders are abandoned or cancel status. Today I tried to order with my friend's account and found that paypal not working.
We are sorry, we were unable to successfully process this transaction.
I placed the credential like in:
API username
API password and Signature (seller e-mail also)
they are all there and set up corectly.
Please advice further what to do with paypal payments. I am loosing orders due to this problem.
We are sorry, we were unable to successfully process this transaction.
I placed the credential like in:
API username
API password and Signature (seller e-mail also)
they are all there and set up corectly.
Please advice further what to do with paypal payments. I am loosing orders due to this problem.