New Version - Woocommerce 3.5.0 - Blurry Variation

Real Residual

Active Member

Anyone having the same issues as me, blurry variation images after upgrading to Woocommerce 3.5.0?


Good thing it is on a staging server.

This is quite weird, because if you have mouse-over zoom, it will show hi-res zoomed image, but once the mouse is gone, all you see is this low-res image. If you switch through a few images, it might eventually work... But it is not 100% compatible with the new Woocommerce 3.5.0


New Member
Same here. As well once I check Display "product variations in dropdown menu" I can't change it back to normal variations view in blocks. I uncheck save it and nothing changes, it stays the same...


New Member
This is the answer I got from staff member Christina

"Hello, gvidass!

The mentioned issue is not related to our plugin. It is related to WooCommerce functionality."


Well-Known Member
Goto your wordpress dashboard>> settings>> media

And uncheck the part mentioned on the screenshot here. I believe this will work



New Member
Guys... I was able to find a fix:

function force_woocommerce_single_variation_images( $size ) {
    return 'woocommerce_single';
add_filter( 'woocommerce_gallery_image_size', 'force_woocommerce_single_variation_images' );


P.S. Apparently it should be fixed in Woo 3.5.1...