New User teething problems


New Member
I just installed he plugin today.

1. If i find products and they are using epacket but it is an optional shipping method, do i need
to do anything to make it work correctly when an order is placed?

I chose super saver shipping as my method, and set a basic price of 2.5 - if a say shipping is free, what will happen here in a real life order scenario? Will it just include the 2.5 in the price automatically?

Super savings shipping
Shipping from AliExpress by e-packet service usually takes 10-20 days and costs from 0 to $4.5 for not oversized items.

Delivery time
Shipping Cost
Set the cost of delivery that will be added to your selling price for this shipping option

2. Are you guys mainly drop shipping to USA as the UK time is a lot longer on deliveries?



Staff member
I would recommend not to create any shopping options manually but always offer free shipping on all products and import products that have epacket shipping option only.


New Member
I tried that, if the product has the option of epacket but it comes as standard with the longer 45 day free shipping, the plugin imports it with the free shipping and means i make like 50 cents profit. Is their not a way to make sure we are importing products with epacket shipping rate included to save us having problems like this.