Is there a way to auto convert cm to inches


New Member
I am creating a US based store, but the problem is almost all the products in AliExpress are in metric. Is there a way to get AliDropship to automatically convert cm to inches that is the main thing, i am going to import 1000's of products and the conversion of each takes time and frustrating with calculator. If it can't do it can you or can we modify to create a script to recalculate cm to inches. I would think this would be fairly easy to program but not positive. Thanks for your response.


New Member
I am not a programmer but here is the php script,

[akshay@localhost tmp]$ cat test.php

function cm2feet($cm)
$inches = $cm/2.54;
$feet = intval($inches/12);
$inches = $inches%12;
return sprintf('%d ft %d ins', $feet, $inches);

echo cm2feet(162)


hopefully this is something that you can easily add to alidropship, or maybe you already have this feature, it would save a lot of time for all the people who have us based stores that want to use inches and ounces instead of centimeters and grams


I am creating a US based store, but the problem is almost all the products in AliExpress are in metric. Is there a way to get AliDropship to automatically convert cm to inches that is the main thing, i am going to import 1000's of products and the conversion of each takes time and frustrating with calculator. If it can't do it can you or can we modify to create a script to recalculate cm to inches. I would think this would be fairly easy to program but not positive. Thanks for your response.
I am not a programmer but here is the php script,

[akshay@localhost tmp]$ cat test.php

function cm2feet($cm)
$inches = $cm/2.54;
$feet = intval($inches/12);
$inches = $inches%12;
return sprintf('%d ft %d ins', $feet, $inches);

echo cm2feet(162)


hopefully this is something that you can easily add to alidropship, or maybe you already have this feature, it would save a lot of time for all the people who have us based stores that want to use inches and ounces instead of centimeters and grams

Hello, JungleDoug!

Thank you for your suggestion! But it can't be implemented for technical reasons.

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
i am going to import 1000's of products

1000s!! All with sizes? Standby for a refund/return nightmare. It seems every Aliexpress seller has their own interpretation of sizes. I've ordered shirts, jackets and shoes for myself in the past and not once did any of them fit, no matter how carefully I made measurements and studied their size charts ... and I'm a lot smarter than Americans (just joking) ... lol.

I got refunds for all of them. That's why I made a decision not to sell anything with sizes ... ESPECIALLY shoes.

You will just have to open up this... a little faster than a normal calculator.

Good luck. :)

Peritia Studio

New Member
@Christina - any progress on this task? I got the same issue where I have product sizes imported in centimeters, but since I'm selling to the US I'd love to have these converted into inches. :)

Would be nice to have an option to select display methods:
1. Centimeters (original version)
2. Inches (automatically converted)
3. Unit selector (set one of the options as default, but visitors could use a selector to change measures if they want)

product sizes in cm.png


While I'm not sure about AliDropship's automatic conversion capabilities, you might be able to modify or create a script to do the job. Programming it yourself or getting help from someone skilled in coding could be an option.

I've faced a similar issue before, and it can indeed be time-consuming. For quick measurements, I used an online ruler from, which was handy when dealing with various kinds of measuring.
Before proceeding with any modifications or customizations, it's essential to carefully review the terms and conditions of AliExpress and AliDropship to ensure compliance with their policies. Additionally, always test the functionalities thoroughly to verify the accuracy of the converted measurements.