Import Process Stops On Category Pages - AliWoo


New Member
We have had this problem since the beginning. Anytime you attempt to import entire categories from Ali, it runs for a few products then it just stops. It'll stop at 5/48 for example, and just won't run. If you try to open another tab for a different page number, the import at the top does not say "48" - it says 0.
We have to delete the extension and bring it back, clear cache so it works again. This is ridiculous. This problem does not happen with the original ALi plugin, only the Woo version. But we need the Woo version in order to use our payment gateway (

We are on a really high resource host with Interserver. It can handle a lot, but I'm not sure why this keeps happening here. ALso, if you try to do multiple pages of acategory, it will never run. it just stays at 0/48 for all pages

Anyone know how to fix this ?