How Do I Set Up Customers' Emails?


New Member
I am new to the plugin, but I can say I have gone through most of the set up process required to get the shop up. I did assign one of the recommended mailers to my site.

Now here is my concern, so to all those of you who are currently selling kindly let me know how you have gone about it?

When I pay for anything online, ( assuming using paypal) I immediately get an email from the seller identifying the product bought and any other information he/she may deem necessary. Along side that comes the Paypal receipt for the payment done.

Now assuming I have 150 products in my shop as of now, if someone buys one, how is the completion of the transaction on a particular product initiated and sent to the buyer, so that the buyer know that the site has accepted the payment for the product in question?

If only the Paypal receipt is received, the buyer would start thinking of having done payment, but for what?

I cannot see where to set up this initial email process, if someone has the idea, please let me know.

Please look at it another way. . . . . .
Assuming I am off to my 9 -5 job and people buying aare getting only paypal receipts, definitely if I were one of them I would freak out. So anyone with this process in place, kindly let me know.

Thank You.


Staff member

You customer gets an email notification with a Thank you for your purchase text and the list of items purchased.