Dropshipping confirmation email


New Member
Is there a way to edit the order confirmation email when someone orders a product? I would like to add in the email that they can expect the item in about 2-5 weeks. So I don't keep getting chargebacks because people think they're getting scammed when they expect their item to be delivered with a week! I need to let people know the shipping times because people do not read our shipping section on our site.

Victoria Kudryashova

Is there a way to edit the order confirmation email when someone orders a product? I would like to add in the email that they can expect the item in about 2-5 weeks. So I don't keep getting chargebacks because people think they're getting scammed when they expect their item to be delivered with a week! I need to let people know the shipping times because people do not read our shipping section on our site.
Sure, you can edit the template, go to AliDropship -> Settings -> Notifications:

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