You can rename an attribute after importing a product but it will screw up your store. For example, if you already have some T-shirts in store, all using the word "Size" as an attribute with values "small, med, large". Later you accidentally imported 10 products that uses the word "Kid Size" as an attribute with values "small, med, large". This will make you store look unprofessional as some listing are saying "Kid Size" and others are saying "Size". So you decide to rename "Kid Size" into "Size" under wordpress dashboard>product>attribute. This method will create two identical "Size" attribute with two distinctive slugs. So what does this mean? If your store provides a function to allow size filtering for your buyers, the filter will show, small, med, large, small, med, large. Clicking onto one of the "small" will trigger all of your original products. Clicking onto the other "small", will trigger the 10 newly imported products.
Alidropship allows us to change supplier by copy/paste new product url and reset an attribute. This will only cause problem mentioned above. Once you hit reset attribute, you cannot change the name of attribute. I hope you can change the names of attribute prior to reset.