Cannot Activate Social Rabbit


Hi guys,

So I have been trying to install Social Rabbit on an AliDropship Plugin site on which I used the PHP 7.1 ionCubeEncoder and I get a Fatal Error. Has anyone else run into this problem and if so how do you solve it please?



  • social-rabbit-error.jpg
    508.2 KB · Views: 7


If you read your message it says you are using the wrong PHP version. You need the version for PHP7 not 5.6


I changed the version of PHP on the server to the stated PHP version and it installed but then the Alidropship plugin did not work.


I changed the version of PHP on the server to the stated PHP version and it installed but then the Alidropship plugin did not work.
That's because you have the wrong version of the plugin or thats what the message is saying. One version is for 5.6 php the other for 7. You now need to delete the plugin and get the 7 version.


New Member
That's because you have the wrong version of the plugin or thats what the message is saying. One version is for 5.6 php the other for 7. You now need to delete the plugin and get the 7 version.
Where to get the new version?


That's because you have the wrong version of the plugin or thats what the message is saying. One version is for 5.6 php the other for 7. You now need to delete the plugin and get the 7 version.

So you are stating to change the verison of php on the server, then delete the alidropship plugin installed the other version and then I should be able to run both as normal?
By deleting the version installed currently with all the information i.e. products and reviews, will the data remain if I do this whole process?

There were no pre-requisites on the Social Rabbit site about their plugin not working with PHP 7.1
