All Suppliers Changed to to .ru During Updates Cost Me a Day to Fix!

Jin Jie

This is really annoying !!!
Chrome Extension: AliDropship Google Chrome Extension ver.
AliDropship Woo Plugin: Version 1.6.56
I couldn't believe my eyes during updates watching all my products going into draft with the "Product No Longer Available" messages.
All suppliers changed to .ru instead of .com or .us
Why is this happening?

Sergei Alidropship

Staff member
This is really annoying !!!
Chrome Extension: AliDropship Google Chrome Extension ver.
AliDropship Woo Plugin: Version 1.6.56
I couldn't believe my eyes during updates watching all my products going into draft with the "Product No Longer Available" messages.
All suppliers changed to .ru instead of .com or .us
Why is this happening?

Today you will be able to use a new version of Alidropship Chrome Extension without that problem. We fixed bugs and migrated to the new google manifest. Be ready for the update