Hello! I've just checked and it seems to work properly. Please, provide me your WP + cPanel access details. I will check from your side. Best regards, George
So in one post you say it isn't supported, and here you say its working properly?
I'm sorry George, I don't know if its because of the language barrier, but something is going on in understanding this simple problem:
No one want to UPLOAD Vimeo/YouTube. I don't want to UPLOAD ANY VIDEOS, that is the problem! And I don't want to use AliExpress videos (gotta remove the chinese branding). For AliExpress videos, the 'Insert from URL' works with no problem. The videos from AliExpress play ok in the product gallery, and they are NOT transferred to my Media of my server. Now do the same for Vimeo/YouTube please.
I want that the 'Insert from URL' VIDEO work for youtube/vimeo videos, like they do for AliExpress videos.
I can't transfer 2000 videos to my Media so that they can play. My server space would run out very fast.
just fix the 'Insert from URL' video, AS IT SHOULD WORK. How hard can it be? If we can do it as EMBED at Product Description, how hard can it be to make it EMBED in the product gallery?
I just don't understand that each time you or your colleges respond to this, you still didn't understood what the problem is.
AGAIN: didn't you said it would be fixed THIS update?
Thank you.