AliDropship Plugin ver.


Active Member
I also have updated successfully with the exception of one issue. Previously I was able to use Yoast SEO to set my meta titles and descriptions nd everything worked fine. Now it seems those are getting overwritten by the plugin defaults, even if the settings are all set to off for the SEO feature. I have entered descriptions for all my products in Yoast and would rather not have to move them all to the now working AliDropShip SEO descriptions.
A few days ago i did add SEO for all my products. When you i used SEO from Alidropship and Yoast SEO things got messy. Wordpress got confused because of using two SEO plugins/features, it doesn't know which one to use i think?

After activating the SEO Alidropship feature and deactivating Yoast SEO it solved some problems which occured. All the work i've put into adding SEO manually was a waste of time because it got overwritten. I had backups to go back but i am happy with the results. In the future i won't be adding manually anymore.

What kind of problems are you running in to if you are using just SEO Alidropship option?

Eric S.

Active Member
I'm still trying to use Yoast as I did not have the issue you are describing. It all worked fine and my descriptions are all written in the Yoast tool. I'm hoping it will work again as I like some of the features of Yoast as well.


After update can not access site and got this message:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function ads_get_list_currency() in .com/wp-content/themes/davinci/libs/util.php on line 13

Actually the whole site messed up .. need help


Staff member
After update can not access site and got this message:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function ads_get_list_currency() in .com/wp-content/themes/davinci/libs/util.php on line 13

Actually the whole site messed up .. need help
have you updated the theme also?