Advice Please: setting up my theme website


Hello, I was wondering if i could get advice from other sellers that have been through this process. In regards to what is the best way to setup my themed website what to add and what not to add? what plugins are recommend? I do not want to buy a ready made website. and i am looking at using the davinci theme. I am using the alidropship original. I would really appreciate any advice on other sellers and there process how they started .


New Member
There are lots of tutorials around and even videos, Caroline. AliDropship has done a great job in providing all the necessary information. As for the setup of the product pages I recommend you to read through my post That will give you an idea on how to design your pages.
As for all the other setup procedure and plug-ins - well, the info is available on There you'll find the answers for FAQ's, Getting Started, Installation, Settings and so on. Everything else can be found on Google and YouTube or Vimeo. Good Luck!