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  1. bertlio

    My Suppliers - Feature Request

    Hello Alidropship Team, Could we please have the Products / Sales / Profit / Rating columns with sortable ascending and descending arrows? It would make more sense for example to see which makes more sales or more profits? Thank you for considering this feature! Cheers, Bertlio.
  2. bertlio

    Request for Custom Tracking Service

    Yes for sure! I'm sure others would love this feature as well! Any possibilities of acquiring this feature please?? :-)
  3. bertlio

    Request for Custom Tracking Service

    Hello Alidropship Team, I want to use my own tracking service instead of the ones proposed like 17Track etc... It would be really useful to have an option to choose 'Custom' where you can input any tracking service of your choice! For example: and...
  4. bertlio

    Feature Request for better projects...

    Thanks Olga!
  5. bertlio

    Feature Request for better projects...

    Hi Dropship.Me Team, Could we please have an option to group products by nameable folders and also to favorite products? This will allow us to regroup products and save them like a wishlist, then later push them to web store when needed. Thanks for considering this feature. Cheers.
  6. bertlio

    New Version - Woocommerce 3.5.0 - Blurry Variation

    Guys... I was able to find a fix: function force_woocommerce_single_variation_images( $size ) { return 'woocommerce_single'; } add_filter( 'woocommerce_gallery_image_size', 'force_woocommerce_single_variation_images' ); Enjoy! P.S. Apparently it should be fixed in Woo 3.5.1...
  7. bertlio

    New Version - Woocommerce 3.5.0 - Blurry Variation

    Yes agreed, also getting this issue, it's super blurry! Hope this gets fixed asap...
  8. bertlio

    Nice Attributes Bug on Version 1.2.9?

    Hello, Does anyone else is unable to select product variation options (e.g. Red - Medium) when there are multiple variations (e.g. Red/Blue/Black - Small/Medium/Large)? The product options remain grayed and cannot be selected! While having this example as options: Red - Small/Medium/Large can...
  9. bertlio

    Urgent: Supplier Info > Reset Product: Not working!

    Hello Alidropship Support Team, One of my Ali suppliers' product has just been updated with new additional variations options and prices... The original product had only 1 variation... It tried to 'Reset Product' to retrieve the new datas but the update animation just keep rolling and nothing...