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  1. Rigs

    Un-Load the font awesome

    AliDropshipWoo is loading font-awesome on my site. This is causing some conflict and heavy page load in my case. Here is the one that I'm talking about: <link rel='stylesheet' id='adsw-fontawesome-css' href='//'...
  2. Rigs

    No Order #

    Hi, I was doing automatic ordering from Aliexpress for an order in my site. I clicked on "Place order automatically" and went to almost the last step, but then closed it before paying. Then later I went to my order page on my site, and again clicked on "Place order automatically" to do and...
  3. Rigs

    double review image

    Hi, Since the latest update, reviews are showing the pictures in 2 rows, repeated!
  4. Rigs

    Show review images in Yith plugin

    Hi, I use Yith's advanced reviews plugin for woocommerce. But the problem is although it is showing the reviews that Alidropship imported for me in the product page, but it doesn't show the images (when I disable the advanced reviews plugin, the default review system shows the images) Is...
  5. Rigs

    Bug while importing product

    Today, after successful importing of a few products and reviews, I got into a problem using the add-on. 1. When the import is finished, I check the edit product page. In the supplier tab, the Product URL of the imported item is empty, and the store URL is also // 2...