Bug while importing product


New Member
Today, after successful importing of a few products and reviews, I got into a problem using the add-on.

1. When the import is finished, I check the edit product page. In the supplier tab, the Product URL of the imported item is empty, and the store URL is also //www.aliexpress.com/store/0

2. When I try to import reviews, it doesn't import and it keeps loading. and in console, I have this error:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of null
    at import-review-single.min.js?ver=1.3.5:1
when I click on that, the error is in this part of the code:
{var t="https:"+e.feedbackUrl.replace(/#038;/g,"").replace(/038;/g,"");a(1,n,t)})}),e("body").on("click","#ignoreImages",function(){r()}),r())}}})().init()})}});

even when I manually add supplier's info, and it also saves it and updates the supplier's info, but still review import doesn't work.


New Member
I tried adding another product.

Everything works fine.

I deleted that product that had the problem and tried adding it again, and the same problem exists. Can't import that product's reviews.

Seems like there is something in that product's review text, that the importing process can't handle it?
(actually, that product is good and want to have it. if that is the case and you feel it can help, I can pm you(staff) the product URL)