Kingpin! Wanted to thank you for making this amazing tool Webrily.
I finally had the time today to try it out for the first time since I bought the earlybird and its AMAZING.
Unbelievable how much traffic I'm getting from one link I shared. :)
Happened to me with my aliexpress account. After maybe placing 3 customers orders.
All I needed was to provide them with what they wanted, and after about 5 day they lifted the appeal and I was good to go.
It was sent via my contact form, and i want to reply back with support@ so its more professional. I just don't know where to set it up and where the emails are going from a customer. I received it in my junk mail on my personal email ...
I do not understand why i am so confused. I received a message from a customer from the contact me form, how do i reply? i do not know where i go to reply?
I think your site looks wonderful. Have you been engaging in similar facebook groups or instagram baby type posts? How did you get so many likes on your page?