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  1. vlareypo

    Selling my store

    mister @chirs37 with his vast experience that I know you have, what would be the reason that you think that person wants to sell your website?
  2. vlareypo

    Primium store for sale

    new proyects, and i dont have time now
  3. vlareypo

    Primium store for sale

    Primium store for sale, for more info write me.
  4. vlareypo

    problem after update

    after update the alidroship plugin i see a problem on all product page, see pic
  5. vlareypo

    hola necesito ayuda sobre seguridad de web

    itheme security o wordefence es muy bueno
  6. vlareypo

    I have a question

    i think the plugin have a opportunity in that role. cause some time we have ship from France, Russia, china, usa., when we hide the attribute.....!!!!which is the cost that the pluging is assuming
  7. vlareypo

    I have a question

    I have a question, if we delete the ship from section, and the article is sent from China and the United States, many times, they also have different costs, when deleting the ship from.? Which one does it assume to establish the final price to the client?
  8. vlareypo

    Premium product price issue and products going out of stock

    hi my friend, i had that issues, try RESET. on supplier section.
  9. vlareypo

    discount on cart that i dont give.!

    SOLVED.........the explorer was saving a cuopons in the cache, that i test. so every time that i was testing a product, it was reading the discount coupon.!!!!uffff
  10. vlareypo

    discount on cart that i dont give.!

    Hi, i have some days here, i am new, and sometime i dont understand somethings., for example, all my discount are on cero like say de box on pricing "Put '0' in this field if you want to turn off all discounts on your site. ", so, why if all the discount are cero....i confirm them 2 time...
  11. vlareypo

    Prices on facebook file.xlm problem

    Hi, how can i fix this, when i generate the file with the addons of Facebook business to export the catalog of product to my page on Facebook. the price that show is without discount, how can i fix it, to show the real price that is on my site.
  12. vlareypo

    Struggling with my 1st Alidropship site

    hi Kinsella, i dont know your niche but, i saw your web and it look very good. i have short time in this business like you, what can i tell you, be slow with ads, try to get custumer who buy on your web always. you get some sales, and it is good. cause you find some custumer, try to follow win...
  13. vlareypo

    Discount on Best Deal page

    All my products are good with price, i have short time with my store, i bought a primium store, but i note that the product that i take from the import list, dont chage sometime the price, but the product that i import from aliexpress are they allright.
  14. vlareypo

    Discount on Best Deal page

    thanks Chris
  15. vlareypo

    Discount on Best Deal page

    Hi everyone, i put all my discount on 0. but still continue showing in the intro page like best deals, how can remove it?