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  1. Anonymous451

    Issue with Manual Update

    I got the exact same issue, but i am using woo version. it appears that aliexpress changed something. in my case last night the auto updated moved more than a hundred products to draft even though nothing would indicate they expired. Today, when i try to manual update, i get the security code...
  2. Anonymous451

    Order Tracking in Woocommerce

    It appears to redirect to en version for me pretty well. Seems pretty language agnostic, its got them all :D its does track well, and I like the green how many days delivered feature.
  3. Anonymous451

    Tracking ID - shipping workflow idea

    Proposed workflow for shipping tracking First, Yaros and Team have done a spectacular job on the AliDS Woo plugin. Taking the new retrieve tracking ID function recently implement in ver 0.6 plus some of the custom stuff I have been working on, in an attempt to further the automation, I would...
  4. Anonymous451

    AliDropship Woo ver. BETA

    I have found that the WP admin plugins page does not automatically notify of a new update to the plugin. One of my sites it did show, but in the other it does not. I have noticed that before on previous updates. Kind of hit and miss on the notifications. Perhaps Alidropship should review how...
  5. Anonymous451

    Google Conversion Script? Possible?

    I hope this help. this is a little something i have been cobbling together. its a little naughty. might not be the best way, but its been working pretty well. when i get more time to finish and clean up it could be better. i put this code in the separate file then call it from the footer to...
  6. Anonymous451

    I Need Help..

    Great! Glad it is working :D
  7. Anonymous451

    I Need Help..

    as google informed me, skupina means group. but this is a page. try choosing, 'post to a page i manage' option instead
  8. Anonymous451

    I Need Help..

    this appears to be a facebook fan page, not a group. so unless you are an admin, you will not be able to post to this page.
  9. Anonymous451

    Show category in URL with item.

    Perhaps the permalinks area will help. You can use some of the defaults or craft your own. Wordpress > Settings > Permalinks
  10. Anonymous451

    I Need Help..

  11. Anonymous451

    How to disable http:// and only grant access from secure url??

    In addition to that, you might want to also review Woocommerce > Settings > Checkout Make sure that the box is check "Force secure checkout" and for the site itself, make sure that https:// is set in: Wordpress > Settings > General WordPress Address (URL) Site Address (URL)
  12. Anonymous451

    I Need Help..

    Hey Jojo, nice pics btw, very refreshing :D You have to be a member of groups to be able to post to them. Just one note, some groups get a little pissy when promoting adverts. So, go add your self to a bunch of groups in your genre. Be careful and DO NOT add your self to a lot of groups at a...
  13. Anonymous451

    Highlighting Import List and Other Post Status on Front End

    Hello, I was having some trouble with many products on the front end. Since AliWoo displays the products on the front end for administrators, as well as WP displaying Private posts, I decided to create this little code snippet to help me identify the products status. I also created another one...