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  1. AryanShirani

    How i can hide attribute "Ships From" in product page

    Mois je suis Persian d'italy, je parle aussi français, je suis en swiss pour travail maintenant dans le canton Vaud et je vien d'apprendre le français Have a nice day man !
  2. AryanShirani

    How i can hide attribute "Ships From" in product page

    About stock i always check if there is a good amount of product in stock like at least 3000 pcs, i am not selling a lot of products but at least you don t need to worrie... anyways there is always another seller with the same products in my case so it s okay... Yes i am persian :) and you ??
  3. AryanShirani

    How i can hide attribute "Ships From" in product page

    Hi, i just did like @LightlyScorched , i prefer to remove it to have a store more consistent and clean, probably when you want to do "Place Order Automatically" you will need to select the china or united states variation.
  4. AryanShirani

    Facebook 273k Page For sell with 1.14m Reach

    hi i am interested, pm me
  5. AryanShirani

    When you separate products, discount % not showing

    Hi, this is already enabled, anyway to fix this i need to get in the product and update it again. Still not showing discount badge on homepage or category page
  6. AryanShirani

    When you separate products, discount % not showing

    So i just tried, and the only thing is that on homepage or category pages, doesn't show the discount badge, and i also saw that when you go to the product page the variation should be already selected but is not, you need to select the variation also, how do i fix that ? @Victoria Kudryashova
  7. AryanShirani

    When you separate products, discount % not showing

    Is also showing the discount icon on the homepage or category page?
  8. AryanShirani

    When you separate products, discount % not showing

    Hi, actually i was enjoying the product split new functionality, the only problem is that new products are not displaying the % of discount. I can edit every single product again to show the % of discount but this requires time. Any solution please ?
  9. AryanShirani

    How to see where costumer comes from by analitycs ?

    Hi, i recently had some clients on my ecommerce, but i would like to know the source of traffic of the costumer that bought from me, i would like to know if it comes from instagram or facebook or organic. There is a way to do that ? I have google analitycs connected but i don't know where to see...
  10. AryanShirani

    Last update, prices not displaying anymore on product page

    Depends on browser, i have cleaned all my cache many times, and i see only after a day that now things works again, i really can't say why...
  11. AryanShirani

    Last update, prices not displaying anymore on product page

    ok now everything works, just need to clean cache on mobile and desktop. Thanks guys!
  12. AryanShirani

    How to change product linked to aliexpress

    Hi, actually i was looking for a way to update a product, so the product actually is out of stock, but on aliexpress i found the same product from a different seller. So if i would like to update the product on my store with the new product on aliexpress, how does it work ? I need to import...
  13. AryanShirani

    New Standardized Checkout

    This design is minimal clean and awesome, looks great also on mobile and that is really important. Hope will be available soon thanks a lot for this amazing update!
  14. AryanShirani

    When Product Out Of Stock

    Hi, actually i would like to know when client orders 6 products and 1 is out of stock for example, then i need to continue with the "placing order automatically", and when it adds all 5 product i need to replace the last product adding it to the cart manually. The problem is that when i buy the...
  15. AryanShirani

    Last update, prices not displaying anymore on product page

    just done that but nope not working
  16. AryanShirani

    Last update, prices not displaying anymore on product page

    I don't have any Cerber Plugin, so what i need to do ?
  17. AryanShirani

    Last update, prices not displaying anymore on product page

    Hi, after the last update of alidropship, products now are not displaying anymore the prices, so could you please fix this soon as possible please ?