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  1. Bekir Lubic

    Incorrect Product's Prices

    I am sorry, but problem is appeard again :( Rounding is disabled, but it round prices again.. :/
  2. Bekir Lubic

    Incorrect Product's Prices

    Thank You very much!!! :D Problem solved :)
  3. Bekir Lubic

    Incorrect Product's Prices

    It wasn´t, but and now when I was updated problem remain... :/
  4. Bekir Lubic

    Incorrect Product's Prices

    Hello to all, I have similar problem... One price is in my admin panel, and the other is on public site... In attachments you can see example...
  5. Bekir Lubic

    Add google adsense in blanket space?

    Hello to all, I am thinking about adding some google adsense on my website... In attachments you can see space, that I planed to fill with same... Does anyone already do this, and can anyone describe how to do that? Best regards, Bekir
  6. Bekir Lubic

    Credit card payment method problem

    Hello, I have problem with my credit card payment method... Before, when I use test mode on stripe everithing was OK, but when I change test mode to live mode I have problem with textbox when customer need to put information about credit card... Customer can´t see any letters (pic in att). Does...
  7. Bekir Lubic

    Problem with Paypal

    Hello, My brother try to buy something on my website, and he get these screens (screens are in attachments)...For begining I want only work with paypal, I make settings like they are described in Help section, and I don´t know what is problem... :( Is it something wrong with Ali plugin, or I...
  8. Bekir Lubic

    Problem with Contact form

    I am sorry, but I don´t know anything about SMTP service... :/ I don´t want to speculate... :/ I am sorry.... :(
  9. Bekir Lubic

    Problem with Contact form

    Hello, Tan... Have you fix problem? If you are not I will try to help you... First check can you find solution here: If that is everithing OK, and you have already create account on one of these mail services.. Check your settings...
  10. Bekir Lubic

    Save settings button doesn´t work

    I found a new problem in plugin.. :/ My "Customer account" settings doesn´t work too... :/ when I go on Settings-Accounts, after I change to Enabling and go to Save Changes, Plugin automaticaly after saving turn that option off...
  11. Bekir Lubic

    Running a FB competition

    I am interested for this to... Have you find solution for this? :) Best regards, and thank You :)
  12. Bekir Lubic

    Save settings button doesn´t work

    Hello Ekaterina, have you check what is problem?
  13. Bekir Lubic

    Save settings button doesn´t work

    Hello, I have problem with "Save settings" button in "Home page main settings" section. When I save , it shows me new settings only when I am loged in like administrator... But when I visit my site like casual visitor, it show setings before I saved... You can see problem in screenshots that...
  14. Bekir Lubic

    Problem with Contact form

    I already describe problem in first post...
  15. Bekir Lubic

    Problem with Contact form

    Doesn't matter... i figured out after 6 hrs... If anyone had problem like this, I will help You. Best regards..
  16. Bekir Lubic

    Problem with Contact form

    Hello to all, My name is Bekir, and I'm new here on forum ... A few days ago I bought this plugin, and at this moment, I am working on my site ... For now, everithing is OK, except contact form ... I have made mailgun accont, and customized all parameters, but my contact form doesn´t work ... I...