Search results

  1. Mar

    Product Images legal usage?

    If you worry about this, then you worry about everything, like editing product description, removing water marks of product images and you should inform visitors where the products come from including the supplier because it is a violation if you don't.
  2. Mar

    Competing with Aliexpress

    There is nothing like that in your first post in this thread. When you search a product in your store, hundreds of stores will show, AliExpress is just one. Products are sold in many stores with different descriptions and prices. If you base your statement on that, then the product also come...
  3. Mar

    Customers being charged the wrong prices on PayPal

    It is not true. Some want to buy in Euro, but not most.
  4. Mar

    Claiming and verifying a site

    Add the HTML to the root folder of your site, add the meta file to theme file headder.php of the theme. That is in cPanel>File Manager>public_html and cPanel>File Manager>public_html>wp-content>themes>(select your theme)>header.php respectively.
  5. Mar

    Stripe - Abandoned Carts

    Definitely it is not a problem with the payment gateways, neither it is the problem with the plugin, otherwise everybody would not have successfully used this payment gateways. It narrow down with how you did the set up.
  6. Mar

    SEO Image Optimizer (BETA) - Improve website speed and SEO ranking

    I noticed it also. Every time there is at least two plugins to update. But actually there is none. When I deactivated the addon, the false update notice was gone.
  7. Mar

    SEO Image Optimizer (BETA) - Improve website speed and SEO ranking

    EWWW is doing good. I have been using this plugin for a long time. I removed it when I installed the addon.
  8. Mar

    SEO Image Optimizer (BETA) - Improve website speed and SEO ranking

    I have deactivated the addon. Only the Title Renamer is good at my end. I re-installed the EWWW Image Optimizer and run the Bulk Optimize again. The addon created a lot of data base errors in cPanel error logs. When I deactivated the addon, the errors were gone. The loading speed in GT Metrics...
  9. Mar

    Competing with Aliexpress

    Of course, you import products from AliExpress. How can you profit if you are selling them for less? You cannot compete with AliExpress, everybody know that.
  10. Mar

    Any Godaddy domain transfer experts! Please contact me

    This is not something to ask in the forum. Why don't you inquire godaddy?
  11. Mar

    503 error on php7.3 with social rabbit

    I am not sure. It is a known issue, your host provider should know it. I was told it might be resolved in the next update of opcache, but until now it is not.
  12. Mar

    503 error on php7.3 with social rabbit

    Make sure the plugins are compatible with PHP7.3. Also make sure you disable opcache module. It has a compatibility issue with PHP7.3. It is the reason why I don't transition my site to PHP7.3.
  13. Mar

    SEO Image Optimizer (BETA) - Improve website speed and SEO ranking

    At my end, if the optimizing process is interrupted, it will start where it stopped.
  14. Mar

    SR and Welcome Message

    In Twitter, see below where you will see the welcome message sent to your follower.
  15. Mar

    Admitad Aliexpress cashback not working when I place the order automatically

    My account is EPN, it is not working. It's been sometime, I cannot remember the last time it worked.
  16. Mar

    SR and Welcome Message

    You got it wrong. It is the other way around. Welcome message is sent to your follower, not you receive welcome message from your follower.
  17. Mar

    Which plugin do you use to recover abandoned carts?

    The Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce. Been using it for sometime now.
  18. Mar

    Rejected by 2checkout... where to go from here?

    If you used your name and bank account, surely it will be detected later and the account will be closed. Again, you don't use any information used in your old account, that mean all information should be new. It happened in the past, it don't necessarily mean it will happen this time. This is...
  19. Mar

    Rejected by 2checkout... where to go from here?

    It is quite different from my experience with Paypal. Many times I get in touch with them. Although sometime they would not respond in a timely manner and their responses are out of the subject, I even berated them, telling them crazy people. But generally, they respond and explain what I want...
  20. Mar

    Not Time, No Energy, Great Store with Big Potential. $1,000 Revenue

    Some pages have big AliExpress banner on it that actually redirect to AliExpress. I cant believe this store actually generated sales.