Recent content by Grant

  1. Grant

    Variations not showing on single product page

    I just updated a few plugins and now my variations are all display:none on my single product pages? Anyone else seeing this? For now I have had to add .variations .adsw-attribute-option span{display:inline-block !important;}
  2. Grant

    How Automated will this plugin eventually get?

    Hi devs, How automated will the plugin eventually make drop shipping? For example, everything is great with importing products from AliExpress to WooCommerce - so adding products is great. Once an order is placed, PLACE AUTOMATICALLY does most of the work. Once we click "PAY NOW" and pay, we...
  3. Grant

    AliDropship WOO version 0.6 UPDATE

    I don't understand what is expected to happen after you click PLACE ORDER AUTOMATICALLY with the Woo plugin. I click this, it goes all the way to where I click PAY NOW and after that I pay and nothing happens. After I click PAY NOW to pay, should the extension then get the order numbers and...
  4. Grant

    What is your current WorkFlow?

    I'd love to know how everyone is using this plugin, especially those getting 100+ orders a day. 1 - After you automatically place the order, how are you dealing with sending tracking numbers to customers? (any way to ingrate with AfterShip would be a blessing if you are doing it) 2 - Do you...
  5. Grant

    Tracking ID - shipping workflow idea

    I would also love this feature! This, coupled with the ability to Bulk place orders would be great for automation and allow scaling. A way to then sync the tracking numbers with something like AfterShip as they come in would be great! What are the odds of something like this? :)
  6. Grant

    AliDropship Woo ver. BETA

    Are you planning to allow BULK Automatic placing of orders in the future?
  7. Grant

    AliDropship Woo ver. BETA

    Awesome guys. Are you planning to allow BULK Automatic placing of orders in the future?
  8. Grant

    Refund PHP error

    Hi guys, I am running the latest version of all plugins including AliWoo plugin and latest WooCommerce, and once I process a refund to stripe I get the following error. Fatal error: Call to undefined method WC_Order_Refund::get_product_id() in...
  9. Grant

    Sync Variations and Stock Only

    I hear ya! It's a shame. Right now I'm only using this plugin for the importing of products so I am weighing up whether it is worth it :( How about yourself? If the ability to sync variations but not the costs was a possiblity, that would be sweet.
  10. Grant

    Attributes & Variations Import in new version

    ok sure So, can I import a product using this plugin, then override the price and SKU numbers for variations, and when the automatic update runs it does not override these things that I have manually changed?
  11. Grant

    Attributes & Variations Import in new version

    Hi there, Sorry, was you answer in regards to question 1 or 2?
  12. Grant

    Attributes & Variations Import in new version

    Hi guys, any news on this question?
  13. Grant

    Sync Variations and Stock Only

    Hi there, In the auto update feature I want to be able to sync the stock and sizes of products (i.e. the variation data) but I have manually entered costs for each item and variation. If I use the auto-update feature, can I currently just update the stock and variation data and it will not...
  14. Grant

    Attributes & Variations Import in new version

    Hi :) QUESTION #1 In the latest version, when I import products I get a lot of Attributes. I actually liked it before when it only imported those attributes for Variations. Is there a way I can enable the plugin to only import attributes that are used for variations? I keep having to delete...
  15. Grant

    You are not Authorized

    Hi Yaros, Thank you for your reply :) Is there any chance I can clone the site to a new cPanel for you to test in? I tried to set that up for your support but they said I needed to deactivate the license on my main site which I obviously can't do :S Thank you for your help :)