Recent content by Dropseller2020

  1. D

    Alishipping - Disabling shipping options per product

    Hello guys, Purchased this add-on but not sure what is the purpose if I cant select to disable. enable or have different shipping options for each shipping per product. For example, if the system imports DHL & USPS, and I enable them in Alidropship / Alishipping, that means that ALL products...
  2. D

    Really? Still no feature to bulk order in Woocommerce plugin?

    Hey guys, First, great job with the software with Alidropship. My only issue that I am not understanding is, why is it taking so long for the bulk order feature to be available for Woocommerce with the Alidropship Woo plugin? Id like to stick to Woocommerce for the various important features...