Well, they do take their sweet time.
Something "extra" I did is that I contacted them via chat support and told them that I was worried because the appeal is hurting my dropshipping business. The chat representative told me, after I gave her the appeal number and info, that is still pending however she was going to put a rush on it so they can contact me within 24 hours or as soon as possible, dont remember the phrasing. I also emailed their address
security@aliexpress.com. I think the email didnt help since I got a response after the appeal was approved, or maybe it did, who knows.
Obviously, upload the require documentation

EDIT: what I am currently doing right now is buying the AliPocket cards, basically is balance you buy and stays in your account, so when you place an order that is how you pay. This way I attempt to prevent multiple card uses, and just a moderate to big one from time to time