Woo plugin & Wordpress Update failure (urgent)


New Member
i have a problem ,
i can't update the plugin nor the wordpress version & can't import products anymore so this is urgent
for the wordpress version it says :
Download failed.: The checksum of the file (d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e) does not
match the expected checksum value (481113ecae03ecb114a781d863f24a00). Installation Failed

and i see this when i try to update the plugin :
An error occurred while updating AliDropship Woo Plugin: Could not create directory.

Please help me solve this asap


Active Member
Connect to your wordpress install via ftp.

Go to wordpress plugin folder.

Rename old alidropship plugin folder.

Download manually last Aliwoo update 8.10

Reupload zipped Aliwoo update to server.

Activate the new one and delete old one.

Everything should work.

These things happen with many plugins... This is pretty basic wordpress routine.


You should be able to access your FTP folder directly through your hosting company, Godaddy, 1&1 etc. or if you have cpanel or Plesk you would be able to access it through there.


New Member
my hosting company is Alidropship, the problem is i don't know where i can find that FTP exactly on Alidropship?
i tried mywebsite.com/cpanel with my credentials but couldn't log in
I sent them an email & still waiting for reply,


my hosting company is Alidropship, the problem is i don't know where i can find that FTP exactly on Alidropship?
i tried mywebsite.com/cpanel with my credentials but couldn't log in
I sent them an email & still waiting for reply,
In that case go to Cpanel of your hosting account. The File manager in Cpanel can do the same thing as per instructions of the other poster. Otherwise you need a "File Transfer Program" on your computer. Your login details will be in Cpanel but just try to use the file manager first.


Active Member
my hosting company is Alidropship, the problem is i don't know where i can find that FTP exactly on Alidropship?
I tried mywebsite.com/cpanel with my credentials but couldn't log in
I sent them an email & still waiting for reply,

I guess you will need to read a bit about hosting management and Woocommerce.

Believe me, the first time it is very hard... like very hard if you don't have prior experience.

Maybe begin using Alidropship instead of Aliwoo?